Listen to today’s devo!

But I cry to you for help, Lord; in the morning my prayer comes before you. (Ps. 88:13)

Expanded Passage: Psalm 88

What do you do when you are upset? Perhaps you are part of the nearly 50 percent of people who use music to face deep distress. Fortunately, scientists have discovered that this is one of the most effective ways to face and move through difficult emotions. In fact, research concludes that listening to the particularly angsty music of one’s younger years soothes sadness, grief, and anger. Because the memory of this music is stored in a deeper, lower part of the brain compared to contemporary musical preferences, music from our teens and early adulthood reminds us of past pain, allows us to feel present pain, and then moves us through difficult feelings into places of release and trust.

In light of current psychological research, it is no surprise that about half of the ancient psalms are songs of lament. In God’s infinite wisdom, these songs of sorrow, complaint, anger, and doubt are consecrated as not only good but essential prayers for God’s people. Likewise, Psalm 88 is a prayer from the shadows. Fear, overwhelm, and distress infuse every stanza. And yet this psalm was an anthem for God’s people over thousands of years. It was the song stored deep in the communal mind: that we have suffered, we are suffering, and God will redeem us again. May songs of lament also give us hope.

Write your song of lament.

Michaela Moore enjoys country road runs, coffee with friends, beautiful books, and long, laugh-filled walks with her husband and co-pastor, Jackson. She has an MA in ministry and spiritual formation from Wesley Seminary (IN).

© 2025 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.