14thGC News

Tuesday, May 24th Summary – General Conference
The second day of General Conference began as the first … with prayer. How else would Wesleyans begin kingdom work? Wesleyans are a people of prayer.Following the opening prayer, Wesleyan Investment Foundation’s (WIF) Chief Executive Officer Craig Dunn took the floor....
Monday, May 23rd Summary – General Conference
The opening day of General Conference began with prayer. Around the conference hall, delegates and visitors joined in a time of devotional reflection, sharing and prayerfully lifting up the business of the day before the first session began. At 8:51 a.m., Dr. Wayne...
Memorials 125 & 126: Governance Simplification
The Wesleyan Church (TWC) strives to simplify governing language, bringing greater clarity and usability to our practices.

Worldwide Wesleyans
Decisions made at past General Conferences have helped to shape who we are, where we are and the overall structure of The Wesleyan Church (TWC).

Memorials 349 and 350: General Church Financial Plan
Simplicity, unburdening and missional priority are financial plan goals.

Memorial 52: Regarding the Gifts of the Spirit
Memorial 52 aims to refresh wording in “The Discipline” concerning the miraculous use of languages.

General officer nominations announced
General Board recommends general officer candidates for the next quadrennium.

The memorial process
General Conference legislation creates space for all to speak across The Wesleyan Church.

Looking back while looking ahead
Courageous pursuit of God’s mission calls for continuity and pressing forward together.

General Conference FAQs
Frequent Questions about the 14th General Conference of The Wesleyan Church.