Acts 1 8 Podcast

Acts 1:8 In Jackson, Michigan

Acts 1:8 In Jackson, Michigan

In this episode, we talked to Andy Merritt about his experience reaching the here, the near, the hard, and the far. In our discussion, we learned how he and his team are helping plant churches around the world. Church of Andy Merritt:
Acts 1:8 In San Antonio, Texas

Acts 1:8 In San Antonio, Texas

In this episode, we talked to Bob Ellis about his experience reaching the here, the near, the hard, and the far. Bob, and his wife, Arlynn lead a Multicultural Church, reaching locally, regionally, and around the world. Bob Ellis’ Church:...
Acts 1:8 In Grand Rapids, Michigan

Acts 1:8 In Grand Rapids, Michigan

In this episode, we talked to Pastor Kyle Brown about his experience reaching the here, the near, the hard, and the far. In our discussion, we learned God reshaped a vision of a thriving church to multiply disciples in every context. Pastor Brown’s Church:...
Introducing the Acts 1:8 Initiative

Introducing the Acts 1:8 Initiative

In this episode, we talked to Dr.Wayne Schmidt and Dr.Ed Love about reaching the here, the near, the hard, and the far. As they share the vision for the Acts 1:8...