church multiplication

Movement Over Model

Movement Over Model

Connecting pastors and churches for effective discipleship and multiplication is one of Church Multiplication and Discipleship’s main approaches.

Who Is Your Why

Who Is Your Why

Church mulitplication is still the most effective way to reach new people with the gospel.

¡Santa Matemática!

¡Santa Matemática!

La multiplicación de iglesias es la única manera de reducir, efectivamente, la brecha del evangelio y crear un impacto que perdurará más allá de nuestra generación.

Holy math!

Holy math!

Church multiplication is the only way to effectively reduce the Gospel Gap and create an impact that will endure past our generation.

Organic Outreach Events

Organic Outreach Events

Most find sharing our faith hard. The truth is, God is the One who brings people to Himself. He invites us to join Him in that process. Join us for a 2-day intensive, 1-day conference and Wesleyan shoulder dinner around evangelism initiatives.