How Do I Lead My Church To Be A Reproducing Church?
A “Reproducing” Assessment Tool to help assess your church!
A “Reproducing” Assessment Tool to help assess your church!
What volunteers, leaders or pastors might God be calling to raise up and send out? Somewhere a daughter church is waiting to be adopted.
The new churches have an opportunity to have a Kingdom Force-impact in five different states.
Reproducing churches are defined as “congregations that are strategically invested in reproduction and multiplication through church planting.”
Could two churches lower their respective flags, come together and do something that neither could do on its own?
Join us at an Affinity Dinner for Wesleyans attending the 2019 CCDA Conference Thursday evening, October 10th. Our invited guests are from CCDA leadership and board members to give us an update on the direction and heart of the organization.
Connecting pastors and churches for effective discipleship and multiplication is one of Church Multiplication and Discipleship’s main approaches.
Church mulitplication is still the most effective way to reach new people with the gospel.
La multiplicación de iglesias es la única manera de reducir, efectivamente, la brecha del evangelio y crear un impacto que perdurará más allá de nuestra generación.
As the case in all the towns across southern Indiana, there is still a multitude of people who need to know Jesus.
Church multiplication is the only way to effectively reduce the Gospel Gap and create an impact that will endure past our generation.
When the church was founded in 2014, the launch team of five people held very little diversity. Today, various nations are represented.
With an ever-expanding culture of multiplication and an emphasis to empower healthy churches to multiply new faith communities, The Wesleyan Church is beginning to experience the early signs of movement.
Multicultural ministry will not work unless the Holy Spirit is actively invited into it.
The Wesleyan Church is seen as an early adopter amongst denominations in applying multiplying and movement-making principles.
A revitalized church, led by a Wesley Seminary grad, is breathing new life into northern Indiana city.
The Ransom Church hopes to impact more ZIP codes, both locally and beyond, through Awaken, a new church planting residency program.
The Wesleyan Church is celebrating new ministries and changed lives in new ZIP codes.
Engaging in church planting and participating in Church Multiplication Sunday has changed the life of Christ Wesleyan Church.
From Cuba to Kansas, a church planter loves being a part of how God is changing hearts and lives in Garden City.
Join us for an impactful afternoon that will include prayer for social holiness initiatives, cultural intelligence workshops, and opportunities for affinity conversations. A complimentary lunch is included for those registered.
Join us for a Festival on Discipleship at College Wesleyan Church starting Monday, May 14th. Explore discipleship making with featured Wesleyan leaders. Come early for the shoulder event with the Church Multiplication and Discipleship team.
Leaders invest in the next generation and pray for equipping power from the Holy Spirit.
Most find sharing our faith hard. The truth is, God is the One who brings people to Himself. He invites us to join Him in that process. Join us for a 2-day intensive, 1-day conference and Wesleyan shoulder dinner around evangelism initiatives.