Church Planting

Celebrating the uncommon

Celebrating the uncommon

Celebrate Community Church of Sioux Falls has long-term success in the unique way it finds church planters to plant churches that plant churches.

Planting in Jerusalem

Planting in Jerusalem

With burning hearts for their Jerusalem, the Bullocks return to start a new work and minister in Benton Harbor, Michigan.

Missionaries at home

Missionaries at home

Pastors and churches cross district and national borders to multiply and see others Made New.

¡Santa Matemática!

¡Santa Matemática!

La multiplicación de iglesias es la única manera de reducir, efectivamente, la brecha del evangelio y crear un impacto que perdurará más allá de nuestra generación.

Holy math!

Holy math!

Church multiplication is the only way to effectively reduce the Gospel Gap and create an impact that will endure past our generation.

Engaging a rapidly growing region

Engaging a rapidly growing region

The Charleston, South Carolina, area is considered one of the most strategic areas in regards to church planting and The Wesleyan Church has a strong presence there.

God honors your NO

God honors your NO

Every time I say no to something that would interfere with God’s calling on my life, he honors my step of obedience.