
People Of Humble Confidence
Ask God to show you where your confidence needs more humility.

People Of Great Faith
Ask God to strengthen your faith.

God’s Wonderful, Infallible Word
Accept God’s Word by faith, even when it seems wrong by sight.

My Faithful Martyrs
Decide now that, whatever trials life brings, you will make God proud.

Brothers In The Darkest Night
Put hands and feet to your love for others; the impact will be huge.

Teach Me To Love Like That
Disciples aren’t made overnight; ask God to help you be more patient with other believers.

Out Of Death, Life
Following Jesus’ sacrificial example, resolve to die to self a little more today than yesterday.

An Empty Tomb Is A Beautiful Thing
Be bold for Jesus, because you carry the hope a hopeless world is hungry for.

The Night Jesus Prayed For Me
With Jesus in your corner, claim the victory today.

Open, Says Me
The next time you bristle at what God calls you to obey, pray for your eyes to open wider.

Open, Says Me
The next time you bristle at what God calls you to obey, pray for your eyes to open wider.

Notice And Be Blessed
The Lord is revealing himself to us all the time. Blessed are those who take notice.

Glory Through The Pain
To gain a soul for Christ, we may have to endure the pain of being perceived as different

Debt-Free Living
We may never be debt free this side of heaven, but we can live free, and freely love.

Our Passover Lamb
Next time you go to your knees to ask forgiveness, picture the blood of the Lamb over you.

Getting Them To Believe
When others are seeking, point them to Christ, not to yourself.

Build your faith on Christ so He can rebuild you.

The Position To Pray
Seek God for a heart that delights in obeying His Word.

A Light In The Darkness
Wait before God for the strength you need to face each new day.

Time To Pray
Keep a written record of prayers.

Vision Correction
Check yourself regularly for spiritual tunnel vision, and trust God to help you correct it.

Time To Renew
Ask yourself if your hope is in God alone.

Left Out
Go out of your way to talk to unbelievers.