
Denying self

Denying self

Why would Jesus ask us to sacrifice an act or item during Lent season? Self-denial is a good idea, but we can go about it for the wrong reasons.

CMAD Webinar: Discipleship

CMAD Webinar: Discipleship

Hear more about how disciple-making is the heart and engine of multiplication. And how it can happen no matter how large or small the church. Place your focus on making disciples and training up the people God has already given you.

Discipleship and Church Plants

Discipleship and Church Plants

What does it look like to do discipleship in a church plant where everyone is new? Let’s talk about it in this month’s webinar with Pastors Robert & Arlynn Ellis of CrossRoads Church and Pastor Andre Winters of The Corner Wesleyan Church.

Baptism: A Mark of Discipleship Webinar

Baptism: A Mark of Discipleship Webinar

In the early days of the church baptism was a declaration that a believer was identifying with a group of despised people called Christians. But what place does baptism hold in our modern discipleship process?

Living as a sent one

Living as a sent one

Intentionally listening to and caring for people can lead to sharing Christ with people who are needing hope.

CMAD Webinar: Lifelong Discipleship

CMAD Webinar: Lifelong Discipleship

What does it look like to have lifelong discipleship? Join us here on Facebook Live as we talk about it with Megan Cusumano, Assistant Pastor at North Park Wesleyan Church and Eric Mills, National Pastoral Director of Orphan Sunday & Stand Sunday.

CMAD Webinar: Community Discipleship

CMAD Webinar: Community Discipleship

We’re excited to speak with Noel Castellanos, President of CCDA – Christian Community Development Association! Join the conversation as we explore what it means to live the life of a disciple in your community.

CMAD Webinar: Holistic Discipleship

CMAD Webinar: Holistic Discipleship

Join The Wesleyan Church’s Discipleship Webinar and learn more about holistic discipleship as we discuss The Ransom Church’s pathway for discipleship with Pastors Phil Wiseman and Megan Koch.

Hurt or harm

Hurt or harm

When the Holy Spirit orchestrates pruning in our lives it hurts, but it is not harmful.

Webinar: Intentional Discipleship

Webinar: Intentional Discipleship

What does it look like to do discipleship on purpose with a plan? Kim Gladden & guests, Rev. Scott Moore, pastor of First Wesleyan Church & Rev. Wes Dupin, pastor of Daybreak Church will dive into a discussion exploring intentional discipleship.