Education for transformation
ECD’s College Day connects Wesleyan universities around formation.
ECD’s College Day connects Wesleyan universities around formation.
Wesleyan Students Share Formative Impact of their Doctoral Programs
Pastor Appreciation Month is a time to honor and celebrate the sacrifices, commitments, and hard work that pastors have made in serving their congregations and communities.
With so many options on where to study and considerations to influence that choice, Wesleyan higher education consistently emphasizes character.
At the end of April, the entire FLAMA team assembled at the Wesleyan Headquarters building in Fishers, Indiana, for a retreat: Impulsando la Formación Hispana (Promoting Hispanic Education).
Central to Wesley’s educational philosophy was the balance between spiritual and secular education.
“Women in ministry isn’t a celebration of women as much as it is a celebration of what God can do through willing and obedient people,” Working said. “God doesn’t care about your gender as much as he cares about your heart.”
During TheoCon, a group of pastors, professors, and administrators gathered to discuss theology, ministry resources, and ministries in a Wesleyan theological context.
Compassionate acceptance is a central part of Rev. Ruiz’s approach to ministry.
Rev. Edinson and Lilian Camacho’s Work in Building a Hispanic Network of Churches in South Carolina
Across Wesleyan universities, transformative discipleship is happening in Bible studies, chapels, mentoring relationships, small groups, and prayer gatherings.
Wesleyan Loan-Grant Clears Financial Burdens for Pastors
Internships play a crucial role in developing competent ministers within the church.
As Miller and fellow Houghton professors educate students who are local-church bound, one key focus is preparing students for an increasingly-global worshipping community.
Wesleyan Holiness Women Clergy Conference focuses on supportive pathways for women called by God to lead the church.
Jesus was a famously good storyteller. On hillsides and shorelines, Jesus held audiences spellbound with his way of sharing in images and narratives that expressed core human needs.
He Sapa New Life has established a large community-based youth outreach program this past year to reach these youth by providing alternative positive activities and mentoring
Chaplain Amber Kunkel becomes first female chaplain in Hurlburt’s 79-year history.
Our greatest challenge as a society is the lack of leaders; the lack of people being ready and desiring to help others. How do we find new leaders? Leaders are not found: they are encountered, equipped, and empowered.
“The program itself feels like a much more realistic evaluation of somebody’s ability to be a pastor or a leader in ministry,” Prutsman offered.
For Pastor Frankie Rodriguez–senior Pastor of Iglesia Wesleyana El Camino in Greenville, South Carolina, the Thrive Financial Initiative (TFI) offered a chance for vulnerability that enriched his relationship to his congregation.
Para el pastor Frankie Rodríguez, pastor principal de la Iglesia Wesleyana La Camino en Greenville, Carolina del Sur, la Iniciativa hacia Finanzas Exitosas (IFE) ofreció una oportunidad de vulnerabilidad que enriqueció su relación con su congregación
During the first year of TFI, Leist and his leadership team turned the TFI materials into a teaching series for their congregation.
The ministry competencies focus on developing ministers who are fit for sustainable ministry–both academically and holistically.