ECD Feature

Sermon Starters

Sermon Starters

Jesus was a famously good storyteller. On hillsides and shorelines, Jesus held audiences spellbound with his way of sharing in images and narratives that expressed core human needs.

He Sapa New Life Ministry

He Sapa New Life Ministry

He Sapa New Life has established a large community-based youth outreach program this past year to reach these youth by providing alternative positive activities and mentoring

Thrive Financial Spotlight:  Frankie Rodriguez

Thrive Financial Spotlight: Frankie Rodriguez

For Pastor Frankie Rodriguez–senior Pastor of Iglesia Wesleyana El Camino in Greenville, South Carolina, the Thrive Financial Initiative (TFI) offered a chance for vulnerability that enriched his relationship to his congregation. 

Testimonio de IFE :  Frankie Rodriguez

Testimonio de IFE : Frankie Rodriguez

Para el pastor Frankie Rodríguez, pastor principal de la Iglesia Wesleyana La Camino en Greenville, Carolina del Sur, la Iniciativa hacia Finanzas Exitosas (IFE) ofreció una oportunidad de vulnerabilidad que enriqueció su relación con su congregación