Gabriela Akpaca |
December 19, 2019 |
Blog Thriving Clergy Education & Clergy Development Pastor Spouse Connection
“In the church planting world, a lot of the language we use is colonialist. We say, ‘We have God and we will bring him to these people.’ But one of my discoveries has been that God was always in Portland and at work in Portland,” Doiron said.
Gabriela Akpaca |
December 17, 2019 |
Blog Thriving Clergy Education & Clergy Development Pastor Spouse Connection
“It was a rich experience for me to understand that God is bigger than any one denominational box… All of the different perspectives find alignment and agreement in God,” Jones reflected.
Gabriela Akpaca |
December 13, 2019 |
Blog Thriving Clergy Education & Clergy Development Pastor Spouse Connection
“The church of the future is going to have to simplify. We’re not going to be able to rely on giving as much to support a staff of 15 pastors. We’re going to have to know what we are about – preaching and teaching the word of God, inviting everyone..
Linda Gist |
December 9, 2019 |
Blog Education & Clergy Development Thrive in 5
Spiritual Disciplines
Gabriela Garver |
October 21, 2019 |
Blog Thriving Clergy Education & Clergy Development Pastor Spouse Connection
If there’s one overarching aim Crisp has developed in 19 years as a pastor’s spouse, it’s authenticity – for her family life and her own spiritual development.
Belinda Selfridge |
October 21, 2019 |
News Featured News
Newly ordained pastors of The Wesleyan Church were celebrated, encouraged and resourced at the event specifically crafted for them.
Jessica White |
September 17, 2019 |
Blog Education & Clergy Development
“One of the hallmarks of Houghton College Online is that we have deliberately and intentionally created an environment that mirrors the residential campus.” Blair said.
Gabriela Garver |
September 13, 2019 |
Thriving Clergy Pastor Spouse Connection Education & Clergy Development Blog
Since stepping out from behind the curtain, Skor has found her voice as a leader and been able to focus on using her giftings for maximum benefit to the church.
Linda Gist |
September 10, 2019 |
Blog Education & Clergy Development Thrive in 5
As pastors who are leading others, we need to be intentional about engaging the various means of grace to continue our transformation into the image of Christ.
Ethan Linder |
September 3, 2019 |
News Featured News
As Pastor Appreciation Month approaches, Wesleyans are encouraged to tell stories of what makes their pastor(s) unique.
Joel Hunt and Dave Higle |
June 14, 2019 |
This year’s topic for the event focused on discipleship: Kingdom Force: Disciples Making Disciples in the New Testament and Early Church.
Linda Gist |
June 6, 2019 |
Blog Education & Clergy Development Thrive in 5
Narratives: How Your View of God Impacts Your Friendship with Him
Russ Gunsalus |
March 29, 2019 |
Rugh has already made a significant impact in her role as director of Spanish Ministry Education and Clergy Care.
Communication Team |
February 14, 2019 |
News Featured News
Pastors and spouses alike had much to reflect on after The Gathering.
Communication Team |
February 4, 2019 |
Check out these FREE resources from The Gathering.
Communication Team |
January 21, 2019 |
News Featured News
The grant will help pastors overcome economic challenges that limit ministry effectiveness.
Dave Higle |
December 17, 2018 |
Blog Education & Clergy Development
Sabbath slows us down so that we can listen to our soul. It is then that we can bring our own heart before the Lord in prayerful reflection.
Jessica White |
July 17, 2018 |
The approach to formation of clergy is changing for the Religion Division of Southern Wesleyan University (SWU) as they study and innovate ministerial programs. Dr. Michael Tapper, chair of the Religion Division, shared how SWU is working toward preparing pastors for...
Janelle Vernon |
July 16, 2018 |
News Featured News
WE5 celebrates the combined strength and ongoing impact of the five colleges and universities of The Wesleyan Church.
Communication Team |
May 21, 2018 |
News Featured News Colleges
Some graduates overcome great obstacles to obtain a degree from a Wesleyan college or university. Here are just six of those stories.
Dave Higle |
April 16, 2018 |
News Featured News
“God began to teach us more of what Sabbath looks like, especially inside a pastor’s home.”
Dave Higle |
March 15, 2018 |
The guide serves as a method to assist pastors and clergy leaders in taking steps to truly reclaim the Sabbath.
Gaby Garver |
February 19, 2018 |
Dr. Gary Carr will represent The Wesleyan Church as an elected member-at-large to the National Conference on Ministry to the Armed Forces NCMAF.
Communication Team |
February 1, 2018 |
Rugh’s leadership experience, passion and gifts make her a perfect fit for the new role.