Communication Team |
January 22, 2018 |
News Featured News
With The Gathering one year out, start planning your trip now to Orlando, Florida, to this encouraging and inspiring event.
Dave Higle |
November 16, 2017 |
News Colleges
Ministerial students from five Wesleyan colleges and universities learned more about the denomination at the annual College Day held at The Wesleyan Church Headquarters.
Dave Higle |
November 6, 2017 |
Research shows that the most significant relationship for pastors’ well-being is with their congregations.
Dave Higle |
October 6, 2017 |
“This conference offers a unique and much-needed platform for public sharing of important, cutting-edge research and best practices so we can help clergy and their families to flourish for a lifetime of ministry,” said Rev. Russ Gunsalus.
Michelle Wood |
August 18, 2017 |
Wesleyan Higher Education | Colleges & Universities
Kim Manning |
August 11, 2017 |
Inviting: Newly ordained, newly appointed pastors or pastors transferring from other denominations and their spouses.
Ron McClung |
June 5, 2017 |
News WesLife News
Key leaders in The Wesleyan Church examined the current ordination process in regards to effectively preparing leaders for ministry.
May 27, 2017 |
Colleges Blog Thriving Clergy
The Wesleyan Church has received a grant of $1,000,000 as part of Lilly Endowment Inc.’s National Initiative to Address Economic Challenges Facing Pastoral Leaders. The initiative supports a variety of religious organizations across the nation as they address...
May 27, 2017 |
Blog Thriving Clergy Education & Clergy Development
An artist with a passion for people, Lindsay Hafner knew her call to ministry early on. But it was not until years later, through a residency position at Awakening Church, that Lindsay realized God’s vision for church planting. Lindsay’s ministry began...
May 27, 2017 |
Blog Thriving Clergy
Gordon Ritchie recently retired from a fulfilling career as a United States Marine Corps Chaplain. After twenty-four years of service, Ritchie has had an influence on many young people in the United States Navy. His career–shaped by honor, hope, presence, and...
May 27, 2017 |
Blog Thriving Clergy
“I have a strong passion for the 21st century church and its place in the community. Every community has its institutions, schools, municipalities. I believe in the church becoming a strong establishment in our community.” Tweet This Bonni Eastlack spent...
May 27, 2017 |
Culture Blog Thriving Clergy
Psalm 104 – Work is Community The Kern Family Foundation invests in the rising generation of Americans, equipping them to become tomorrow’s leaders and innovators. It is a sponsor of Made to Flourish: A Pastors’ Network for the Common Good. Made to...
May 27, 2017 |
Blog Thriving Clergy
IWU public relations, writing, and business major intern at the Division of Education and Clergy Development Rev. Russ Gunsalus and The Division of Education and Clergy Development partnered with Indiana Wesleyan University to bring three interns to gain real-world...
May 27, 2017 |
Blog Thriving Clergy
“Sussex is in need of hearing the gospel in a way that is accessible and tangible, and that’s what I hope to do.” Willie Vaughan has an out-of-the-box vision for his community church: In place of pews, coffee tables and in place of a tie, a barista...
Mark Hunsinger and Kerry Kind |
March 20, 2017 |
Wesleyan military chaplains came together for debriefing, inspiration, and fellowship at the biannual retreat at the Cove.
Gabriela Garver |
January 27, 2017 |
Discipleship Thriving Clergy
It’s that time of year to take accounts, assess progress and cast vision for the future. At ECD we asked, “What is the state of Wesleyan Higher Education?” ECD Executive Director Russ Gunsalus shared with us three things every Wesleyan should know...
Ethan Linder |
October 24, 2016 |
Blog Thriving Clergy
“I would have never imagined I would be a pastor today.” Pastor Marcelle Hamel never considered she would be called to the ministry. In fact, for a majority of her life she was just trying to survive. Losing her mom at a young age and her father absent;...
Gabriela Garver |
July 25, 2016 |
Discipleship Blog Thriving Clergy
At Kingswood University, discipleship is not confined to the college “bubble.” Every summer, Kingswood student leaders give back what they have received during the school year, discipling high schoolers to serve and share the good news of Jesus Christ at...
Jessica White |
July 25, 2016 |
Blog Thriving Clergy
The goal of Oklahoma Wesleyan University’s Orange Movement is to end modern day slavery manifested in the form of human trafficking. Directed by OKWU’s First Lady Marci Piper and Assistant Director Heather Utzman, the movement raises awareness about human...
Kerry Kind |
June 6, 2016 |
Dr. Dennis Jackson of Global Partners and Rev. Russ Gunsalus of Education and Clergy Development are re-elected to office after being nominated by General Superintendent-elect, Dr. Wayne Schmidt.
Kerry Kind |
June 5, 2016 |
Through the Thrive Financial Initiative pastors who experience financial stresses can find help spiritually, intellectually, relationally, and financially.
Erin Crisp |
April 25, 2016 |
The inaugural Breakaway retreat for pastors’ spouses was deemed a success, both by leaders and attendees. Because of the positive feedback, future retreats will likely be held in the future.
Jessica White |
March 22, 2016 |
Discipleship Blog Thriving Clergy Education & Clergy Development
Embracing God’s Call from New Zealand to the United States “During my time in New Zealand, I came to embrace my own pastoral call on a deeper level in a cultural context that generally places a higher emphasis and value on ordained ministry.” -Rev....
Emily Hines |
March 1, 2016 |
Blog Thriving Clergy Education & Clergy Development
Much like hiking, church planting requires extensive preparation, the right tools, and an abiding sense of purpose. Fortunately, Julie Collins Penta is both church planter and mountain hiker. Much like hiking, church planting requires extensive preparation, the right...