
I did not know that

I did not know that

A story too good not to share with a friend over coffee. Read it fully for the surprise ending!

Tick tock

Tick tock

When we know we are one day closer to eternity than we were yesterday, how then shall we live? Jim Dunn examines what it means to live with purpose as the clock continues to run in each of our lives.

Fiery tongues and four-letter words

Fiery tongues and four-letter words

Josh McNall is a professor at Oklahoma Wesleyan University. In his new book, he describes challenges of communicating Christ outside our cultural niche.

Kansas church holds ninth annual rodeo

Kansas church holds ninth annual rodeo

Plains Church in Argonia, Kansas, hosted its 9th annual Bronc Kraft Memorial Rodeo. The event is well-attended and gives opportunities to minister to cowboys and fans.

Never too late

Never too late

Maria Julio Urebe, from El Salvador, ministers in Honduras in one of the most violent public parks in the city.

Helping refugees in your community

Helping refugees in your community

Would you consider personally working with refugees in your community? Here are some helpful things to note as you set out to love your neighbors.

La carnada correcta

La carnada correcta

¿Estás confiando demasiado en tu equipo para ganar a la gente para Jesús? ¿Tienes la “carnada” correcta? ¿Se muestra el amor de Jesús en tus palabras y acciones hacia los demás?

Missionary work comes full circle

Missionary work comes full circle

Brazilian Wesleyans trekked up a mountain to minister in Guyana villages. This endeavor comes 50 years after the pioneer work began in Guyana by two missionary couples.

Night of the Church

Night of the Church

“Night of the Churches” is a typical summer activity in Europe when churches and museums are open late and free for visitors. Our Czech co-laborers said, “Let’s hold our own “Night of the Church.”

The right bait

The right bait

We can do our best to convince people around us to accept Jesus as Savior. And while the Holy Spirit is the One to persuade, Jesus still asks us to be messengers. Do you have the right “bait”?

2015 JESUS film vision

2015 JESUS film vision

This brand new four-minute video just released by Global Partners provides a 360-degree view of what’s happening right now with this amazing ministry, including tremendous breakthroughs.

You, too, can be a witness

You, too, can be a witness

Many people within The Wesleyan Church are speaking up a lot so far in 2015. Find out why.

Wow, what a flight that was!

Wow, what a flight that was!

The intelligent and well-spoken 71-year-old woman with a Ph.D. broke into tears when I asked her to tell me her story during a recent flight.

Speak up in 2015

Speak up in 2015

Jim Dunn has one change he’d like to make in 2015, and he is inviting you to join him.

From resistance to acceptance

From resistance to acceptance

“Stop the film!” he yelled. “This is our village, and here we are all Hindus. We do not want any foreign religions to come into our place and take our people to their religion,” he said.

Seek and save

Seek and save

Are you seeking Jesus and his work in your daily life? And are you seeking out friendship so others can know Jesus’ saving grace?