Gods Will

God and Siri: Proceed to the Route!

God and Siri: Proceed to the Route!

Sometimes I don’t know where God is taking me.I’ve been doing my own version of recalculating my route, asking God what is the next turn, the next road, the next move. But he reminded me that he is totally in control of where I’m going.

Lessons from Peyton Manning

Lessons from Peyton Manning

One of the NFL’s most beloved quarterbacks, Peyton Manning has retired after 18 seasons. Ron McClung suggests what we can learn from the QB nicknamed “The Sheriff.”

Are you called?

Are you called?

Are you living out God’s present calling on your life? Jim Dunn examines how we sometimes run from God when it comes to living out his calling on our lives.

Siguiendo el ejemplo de Dios

Siguiendo el ejemplo de Dios

¿Dios todavía llevan las personas, las familias, la iglesia, e incluso el mundo entero? ¡Por supuesto! Lo necesito para guiarme. Vos si? Que tengamos la fe y el valor de seguir a quien nos llama a ser

The unexpected door

The unexpected door

Not every open door from the Lord looks like an immediate blessing. Some look like heavy obligations or burdens. The Lord may be calling, but I find that I can be reluctant.

On submission

On submission

My prayers contained anger at times as I struggled to understand God’s purpose in bringing me to a difficult place. I then realized I had two choices.