Wesleyans in the news: January 30
Do you know these Wesleyans in the news?
Do you know these Wesleyans in the news?
Church mulitplication is still the most effective way to reach new people with the gospel.
“But you should have seen me. Black and blue all over—and the President too.”
Are you ready to pray the prayer that will change your life forever?
When someone questioned Mary Slessor as to how she could do great feats because she was “only a woman” she reminded him who God was.
Rev. Wes Dupin unpacks why evangelism is something everybody can do.
More than 200 people responded to a gospel message presented at a medical clinic in Albania.
Dr. Matthew Sleeth gives seven applicable examples of how to live with a gospel-driven perspective in everyday life.
It’s been almost 500 years since Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to a church door in Germany. This one event changed the world in how Christians view the basics of the gospel.
Once called the “Dark Continent,” the light of the gospel is reaching into the hearts of these great nations in Africa.
“Stop the film!” he yelled. “This is our village, and here we are all Hindus. We do not want any foreign religions to come into our place and take our people to their religion,” he said.
Two SWU coaches reflect on how revival is happening in the athletic department. One coach says he hasn’t seen anything like it in his 28 years at the university.
The Church has stemmed the tide of evil time and time again. From the killing fields of Cambodia to the prison cells of Cuba, it has been the “flowing stream” of justice.