Expanding la familia
Wesleyans celebrate Hispanic Heritage, seeking to create spaces and welcoming others to join the church’s family.
Wesleyans celebrate Hispanic Heritage, seeking to create spaces and welcoming others to join the church’s family.
The image in Revelation 7:9 of a great multitude from every nation, tribe and people inspires Rev. Rodrigo Azofeifa’s passion for inclusive worship.
This work in multicultural church unification has become a passion for Azofeifa.
The first Hispanic Global Partners missionary has been appointed and sent to serve among Muslim immigrants in Europe
Educación y Desarrollo Clero y Wesleyan Editorial asociaron para albergar los retiros “hecho nuevos” en tres ciudades. Los retiros de Soul Care eran para los pastores y se centró en su vida espiritual
Interested in becoming more aware & building relationships with the immigrants in your community? Click here for suggestions & ideas.
For Churches who want to take action and launch an immigration legal ministry site, we have listed five immediate action steps below.
No renuncie a esa persona que se considera muy poco probable venir a Cristo.
Retraza la historia de la fidelidad de Dios en su vida.
Pastors from The Wesleyan Church join hundreds from all over the nation in Washington to pray for common sense immigration reform
Immigrant Connection: Loving the Immigrant:
Friday, May 2, 2014
2400 Santa Anita Avenue
So. El Monte, CA 91733