Leaning into the Holy Spirit’s empowerment
With focused vision, CMAD is praying for a Spirit-led movement of disciple making and multiplication.
With focused vision, CMAD is praying for a Spirit-led movement of disciple making and multiplication.
The 21st century church must hear the echo of Acts 1:8 afresh as they follow and live into the Spirit’s call.
The person of the Holy Spirit is the breath animating and renewing our lives.
OneCon has created an ecosystem of churches working together across denominational lines to listen for God in their communities.
Courageous pursuit of God’s mission calls for continuity and pressing forward together.
Ask yourself these questions to make sure your 2019 is a fantastic year.
When the Holy Spirit orchestrates pruning in our lives it hurts, but it is not harmful.
The bad air filter reminded me how negative “spiritual filters” can prevent the Holy Spirit from working in my life.
You can survive with the basic elements, but you can thrive with the proper nourishment. There is a difference.
A heartfelt prayer by Dr. James Dobson brought an unexpected and timely response.
When someone questioned Mary Slessor as to how she could do great feats because she was “only a woman” she reminded him who God was.
Do you suppose, if someone did a survey of people who excelled in spiritual things, they would find that such people have an extraordinary drive and determination to be holy?
A Wesleyan district superintendent gives his thoughtful and passionate response to the national trauma over racial violence.
The God of peace would like nothing more than to apply his sanctifying and purifying grace to the lives of all who ask for it. If you accept it, your life will be deeply transformed.
Paul suggests that we do not know how to pray as we should (Rom. 8:26). The Holy Spirit has to intervene for us with groanings that words cannot express. I’m sure you have sometimes felt this way.
Pablo sugiere que no sabemos cómo orar (Rom. 8:26), por ello el Espíritu Santo intercede por nosotros con gemidos indecibles; estoy seguro que alguna vez te has sentido así.
Jo Anne Lyon tells us how 8-yr-old Sherry was asked to play Mary in her church’s Christmas program. That simple act was the most significant thing that happened in her life.
Josh McNall is a professor at Oklahoma Wesleyan University. In his new book, he describes challenges of communicating Christ outside our cultural niche.
¿Estás confiando demasiado en tu equipo para ganar a la gente para Jesús? ¿Tienes la “carnada” correcta? ¿Se muestra el amor de Jesús en tus palabras y acciones hacia los demás?
We can do our best to convince people around us to accept Jesus as Savior. And while the Holy Spirit is the One to persuade, Jesus still asks us to be messengers. Do you have the right “bait”?
An angry young man learned to channel his anger and years later had a key role in defeating Adolf Hitler and his army during World War II.
Sometimes we need God to bring a power-generating flood into our hearts, similar to how a physical flood can infringe upon a town.
Like much of life, Eastertide is quite a journey. The tide of this time frame rolls up and down. The route during the first Eastertide was unknown. The disciples hadn’t experienced anything like it.