Hanging on to Hope: After grief and loss
Pastor Sandy Guffin’s greatest pain becomes a powerful avenue for sharing Christ’s hope.
Pastor Sandy Guffin’s greatest pain becomes a powerful avenue for sharing Christ’s hope.
A women-only fitness center creates space for a vibrant community where the hope of Christ can be shared.
Pastor Erica Farmer and the power of empathetic ministry.
A pastor’s friend returned home to find his son dead. He had committed suicide.
I don’t know all the reasons for this American Happening.
But I do know this: we need you.
Are you or is someone you know hopeless, ashamed, grieving or doubtful? Jesus brings resurrection relationship to those struggles and whatever else we experience that tears down relationships.
After my son’s death, I wanted to die. I didn’t care what happened to me anymore and a great darkness settled in.
A mom experiences hope after her son’s murder, a church partners in opening a food pantry and more.
If I’m not careful, the darkness can set in to my spirit.
Are you ready to pray the prayer that will change your life forever?
For those who know Christ, a cemetery can provide hope for what is is to come: eternal life with the Redeemer.
A Wesleyan college student joins hundreds of thousands of other teens and young adults to pray in our nation’s capital.
Mary Magdalene went to the garden tomb, early in the morning. As day dawned, she saw the stone had been rolled away from the entrance. She assumed someone had removed the body of Jesus from the tomb.
No matter what you endured in 2015 or what you face in 2016, you can have hope in the New Year.
One Houghton alum and her family never would’ve asked to walk the road God has placed them on. But they continue to walk with Jesus one footstep at a time even when they don’t understand his ways.
God is the divine kiss for all people, taking what has been distorted by sin and twisting his own lips to make human beings beautiful.
Light shines from Crystal Blake’s eyes and joy permeates her smile. If you looked at her, you’d think all was well. But Crystal knows about pain and struggle, probably better than most people.
Exponential may be a mathematical term, but it also holds weight in God’s kingdom–especially in the area of church planting and making committed disciples of Jesus.
If 2014 was a tough year for you, will you choose to approach 2015 with cynicism or hope?
A Canadian pastor’s wife has suffered more loss than most mothers will in a lifetime. Now she offers hope to other moms who experience miscarriage and infant loss.
“I don’t pray so I can change God. I pray so God can change me.”
A disgruntled customer demanded a channel change while watching TV in a restaurant. Upon hearing this request, Jim Dunn began reflecting on happiness in life.