Houghton College

Wesleyans in the news

Wesleyans in the news

OKWU soccer fan passes after cancer battle, Houghton one of nation’s “best colleges,” SWU fundraiser is successful, Pennsylvania couple renews vows amidst illness, and more.

Gratitude: a cross-cultural virtue

Gratitude: a cross-cultural virtue

I nearly missed opportunity to be grateful recently when I spoke at Camp Cedarbrook in the Adirondacks as part of their 50th anniversary

U.S. citizenship: a privilege and responsibility

U.S. citizenship: a privilege and responsibility

I was “checked in my heart” at my fairly casual attitude about becoming a U.S. citizen, especially when I realized my entrance into the country had not been fraught with danger or escape of hardship.

Wesleyans in the news

Wesleyans in the news

Houghton business students score above average on national exam, SWU recognized by city officials, IWU grad will film documentary on human trafficking, OKWU founding family honored, and more.

Wesleyans in the news

Wesleyans in the news

A New York church is flooded, faith-based leaders in Michigan talk about adoption, a North Carolina church launches in a new facility, and Houghton business students rank near the top in the U.S.

Wesleyans in the news

Wesleyans in the news

Houghton College raises $1 million, North Carolina has a new bluegrass church while another church in the state is providing human trafficking awareness, and more.

Wesleyans in the news

Wesleyans in the news

South Dakota church begins Stephen Ministry, husband wife pastor duo welcoming Winnipeg’s strangers, Houghton College creates solar array, and more.

Houghton bio-dome hoax garners national attention

Houghton bio-dome hoax garners national attention

​Houghton College’s April Fools announcement of plans to build a bio-dome over the campus created quite a media buzz. Buffalo.com and Blog.Case.org ranked the story as one of the best jokes in 2015.

Wesleyans in the news

Wesleyans in the news

Churches help those in need, World Hope International is featured on CNN, Houghton produces April Fools’ Joke, and more.

Wesleyans in the news

Wesleyans in the news

Wesley Seminary to offer course for non-attorneys on immigration law, 5-year-olds raise money for clean water well, a Houghton College horse is recognized, and more.