Indiana Wesleyan University rated tops in Indiana for nursing
Best Nursing Colleges has rated Indiana Wesleyan University the number one nursing college in Indiana out of 47 schools. IWU was ranked in the top 10 nationally.
Best Nursing Colleges has rated Indiana Wesleyan University the number one nursing college in Indiana out of 47 schools. IWU was ranked in the top 10 nationally.
The first weekend in December was championship-filled for athletic programs at three Wesleyan colleges and universities.
Indiana Wesleyan University has been awarded a sizable grant that will provide four-year scholarships to 18 students in selected science majors.
John C. Maxwell, leadership expert, pastor, and New York Times bestselling author, will be presented with the twelfth annual Indiana Wesleyan University World Changer Award.
IWU ranks alongside major universities in those with increased Pell grant enrollment rates. This means more low-income students are receiving the opportunity for a Christ-centered education.
Sia M’Bayo received the 2015 Tony Maidenberg Award for community service during the annual IWU employee convocation. M’Bayo’s service focus includes feeding the hungry and ministering to dancers.
“Summer conferencing is a wonderful opportunity to offer Christian hospitality and share our facilities and outstanding staff with so many guests,” said Dr. Keith Newman.
The Indiana Wesleyan University Board of Trustees voted unanimously to authorize the creation of the University’s first international campus through the acquisition of Wesley Institute in Australia.
As the opening event of Homecoming, Indiana Wesleyan University inaugurated Dr. David Wright as its ninth president on Friday, October 4, in the Chapel Auditorium on the main Marion, Ind., campus.