Digging a pit or building a mountain
When we choose a positive attitude, we take our shovel full of positivity and begin to build a mountain that provides a higher perspective.
When we choose a positive attitude, we take our shovel full of positivity and begin to build a mountain that provides a higher perspective.
When I have faced life’s hardships, joy is not at the top of my list of places to turn for strength. In fact, it’s quite often lost somewhere at the bottom. But I have been challenged to look at the role that joy plays in my life.
A pastor’s wife speaks on an unexpected life of limitations.
Once you realize your need for a relationship with Jesus, as well as the importance of relationships with others, joy and authenticity can easily follow.
I shook hands with my friend Wayne and asked how he was doing. He answered, “Awful!” But then he smiled, and I knew there was more to the story.
Of all days for the cashier to tell Jim Dunn to “enjoy life!” it had to be on the anniversary of his wife’s homegoing to heaven. But God spoke to Jim through that exchange as only he can.