Sierra Leone is now Ebola-free
The World Health Organization has announced Sierra Leone–a country which accounted for nearly half of all cases during the epidemic–is Ebola-free! Wesleyans can continue to help, post-Ebola.
The World Health Organization has announced Sierra Leone–a country which accounted for nearly half of all cases during the epidemic–is Ebola-free! Wesleyans can continue to help, post-Ebola.
News from the Ebola battle front from WHI highlights medical operations, delivery of food and water, community sensitization, and specific prayer needs. Carrie Jo Cain returned to Africa on Oct. 29.
The chief medical officer of Kamakwie Wesleyan Hospital in Sierra Leone reports firsthand on the fight against Ebola, even sharing some survival stories.
NEW EBOLA VIDEO: World Hope International has ordered a new ambulance for help in treating Ebola patients in West Africa, and other news in the fight against the disease.
In the still mounting Ebola crisis, Wesleyans worldwide are urged to help through faithful prayers and generous giving to the Wesleyan Emergency Relief Fund.
A nurse and former missionary kid in Sierra Leone, Kim Kargbo, joins Carrie Jo Cain and Dr. Diane Foley to help fight the spread of Ebola. Read about their upcoming trip and urgent prayer requests.
Ruth Pierson was a missionary nurse who served at Kamakwie Wesleyan Hospital in Sierra Leone, Africa from 1967-1989, plus multiple ministry trips afterwards. She was married to Dr. Chuck Pierson.