Leaning into the Holy Spirit’s empowerment
With focused vision, CMAD is praying for a Spirit-led movement of disciple making and multiplication.
With focused vision, CMAD is praying for a Spirit-led movement of disciple making and multiplication.
Wesleyans partner with Nitrogen Urban Network to empower urban church leaders to make disciples that result in church multiplication in Atlanta, Georgia, Michigan and North Carolina.
Across North America, Wesleyans celebrate our risen Lord.
Exponential 2024 expands imagination for practicing disciple-making.
Crossroads Church of South Texas making an impact as it lives out its Acts 1:8 calling.
Rivertree pursues an Acts 1:8 vision by supporting multiple church plants.
Are you ready to rally your church leaders and become a multiplying church? Exponential inspires, encourages, and equips church planters and multipliers. Join us in March 2024 in Orlando!
Are you ready to rally your church leaders and become a multiplying church? The Holy Spirit has consistently used Exponential to inspire, encourage, and equip church planters and multipliers. Join us in March 2023 in Orlando!
Ven a descubrir cómo tener más conocimiento de la obra y el liderazgo del Espíritu Santo.
Courageous pursuit of God’s mission calls for continuity and pressing forward together.
Global Partners testifies to the powerful move of God across the globe through The Wesleyan Church.
At the end of the day, it’s not only about transforming a culture, church or denomination. It’s about people.
A “Reproducing” Assessment Tool to help assess your church!
Church mulitplication is still the most effective way to reach new people with the gospel.
La multiplicación de iglesias es la única manera de reducir, efectivamente, la brecha del evangelio y crear un impacto que perdurará más allá de nuestra generación.
God’s call often leads us down trajectories that may seem crazy but are worth pursuing.
Church multiplication is the only way to effectively reduce the Gospel Gap and create an impact that will endure past our generation.
Working through distractions is a common challenge for today’s leaders.
With church planting, I am reminded that for the mustard tree to grow, there is always a sacrificial seed.
A revitalized church, led by a Wesley Seminary grad, is breathing new life into northern Indiana city.
Nine things a sending church must do before sending a church planter.
Every leader needs to go through a discernment process and discover the unique scorecard fitting for their church’s culture. Kingdom scorecards should reflect Jesus’ value system.
People are coming to Christ in a Kansas church that continues to grow in a rural setting.