Hanging on to Hope: When the seeds we’ve sown are rejected
Rev. Amanda Oicle shares Public Coffee’s journey amid rumors, protests and rejection from the neighborhood.
Rev. Amanda Oicle shares Public Coffee’s journey amid rumors, protests and rejection from the neighborhood.
Every time I say no to something that would interfere with God’s calling on my life, he honors my step of obedience.
Our greatest challenge as a church is not financial. It is our willingness to trust God and act on what we know to be true.
Are you living out God’s present calling on your life? Jim Dunn examines how we sometimes run from God when it comes to living out his calling on our lives.
Planting a church in California would be comfortable for the Jennings family. After all, that was home. But Arizona kept coming to mind. Would God really ask them to serve in the desert?
Most Christians are educated way beyond their level of obedience. And it can be awkward.
Not every open door from the Lord looks like an immediate blessing. Some look like heavy obligations or burdens. The Lord may be calling, but I find that I can be reluctant.