Hurricane Praise: The Body of Christ at Work
Rev. Kevin Barnsdale speaks highly of the assistance Florida Wesleyan have received, still weeks after Hurricane Irma struck Florida.
Rev. Kevin Barnsdale speaks highly of the assistance Florida Wesleyan have received, still weeks after Hurricane Irma struck Florida.
Your prayers, financial gifts and ability to volunteer are still very much needed.
Following is a report from Pastor Kevin Barnsdale, Countryside Wesleyan Church in Alva, Florida, that will bless and inform you. Needs are great in disaster-impacted areas and reports of significant damage continue to surface.
General Superintendent Wayne Schmidt is activating the Wesleyan Emergency Relief Fund in response to damage sustained in Florida and the Caribbean.
Your help is still needed to aid victims of Hurricane Harvey. Read how you can help in tangible ways.
With 146,000 homes damaged in Louisiana, this is the worst disaster in the US since 2012’s superstorm Sandy. Opportunities abound for volunteer teams to lend a hand.
I wish every Christian could experience a short-term mission and every pastor could lead one. It will change your world, I promise.
Poured-Out short stories from Illinois tornado disaster.
Poured Out Ministries (disaster and relief partner of the Church) has sprung into action once again. They are in full operation and can host short-term volunteers until they wrap up on December 20..
What can you pour out for the Lord today? You have something you can bless others with. Is it time, encouragement, finances, friendship, prayer, or even a cup of cold water?
Approximately 1,500 people from Moore, Okla., and the surrounding area attended a recent block party hosted by several local churches.