A bright future
Wesleyans wait in hope and anticipation of Christ’s return and the resurrection of the dead.
Wesleyans wait in hope and anticipation of Christ’s return and the resurrection of the dead.
“What if the sun dies while people are still on earth?” This question posed by my son caused me to reflect on the death and resurrection of Jesus.
As Christ followers, we can have a servant attitude not just on Maundy Thursday, but every day.
The breathtaking transcendence of the reality of the resurrection was revealed during one of the most ordinary, routine things we do: eating a meal.
Are you or is someone you know hopeless, ashamed, grieving or doubtful? Jesus brings resurrection relationship to those struggles and whatever else we experience that tears down relationships.
No matter how you celebrate Easter remember that hope is found in an empty tomb–not in bunnies, chicks, and colored eggs.
For those who know Christ, a cemetery can provide hope for what is is to come: eternal life with the Redeemer.
Mary Magdalene went to the garden tomb, early in the morning. As day dawned, she saw the stone had been rolled away from the entrance. She assumed someone had removed the body of Jesus from the tomb.
How can you be generous with your witness for Christ this Easter?