Sherry Gorveatte |
December 17, 2024 |
Blog Thrive in 5
More churches are realizing this and are now helping pastors buy their own homes instead.
Phil Gelatt |
February 22, 2023 |
Blog Education & Clergy Development Thrive in 5
Many Christians, especially those in ministry, can experience financial stress and confusion.
David Higle |
August 4, 2022 |
Blog Education & Clergy Development Thrive in 5
Here are five financial resources utilized by many clergy and other Christians.
Michael Blue |
February 17, 2022 |
Blog Education & Clergy Development Thrive in 5
Reading and understanding the Bible well is a skill that every follower of Jesus should pursue.
Michael Blue |
November 10, 2021 |
Blog Education & Clergy Development Thrive in 5
This month, we’ll examine five conclusions from the life and teaching of Paul especially as relates to pastors.
Michael Blue |
August 18, 2021 |
Blog Education & Clergy Development Thrive in 5
Five Conclusions about Money from Jesus Back in May, we explored five conclusions about money from the Old Testament. In that article, I claimed that there was consistent theological truth around money from Genesis to Revelation. Since we looked at five conclusions...
David Higle |
May 25, 2021 |
Blog Education & Clergy Development Thrive in 5
There are many available avenues for financial strategies for those desiring faith-based resources.
Michael Blue |
March 5, 2021 |
Blog Education & Clergy Development Thrive in 5
The Bible tells us that God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7), but too often giving feels like an obligation–this can be just as true for pastors as for lay people.
Michael Blue |
December 8, 2020 |
Blog Education & Clergy Development Thrive in 5
Saving for short and long-term goals is most likely going to be a part of every pastor’s financial planning
Michael Blue |
September 16, 2020 |
Blog Education & Clergy Development Thrive in 5
The Bible contains more verses on money and possessions than nearly any other topic. Howard Dayton teaches that there are over 2,300 such verses.
Michael Blue |
June 23, 2020 |
Blog Education & Clergy Development Thrive in 5
Gary Hoag, Scott Rodin and Wesley Willmer challenge churches and ministries to recalculate the route for Christ-centered ministry by examining the presuppositions that drive decision-making and vision casting.
Michael Blue |
March 31, 2020 |
Blog Education & Clergy Development Thrive in 5
With people worried and fearful about what tomorrow will bring, there is a great search for assurance and comfort. Where can people find hope in today’s financial world?
Michael Blue |
January 8, 2020 |
Blog Education & Clergy Development Thrive in 5
Financial Convictions in the Five Uses of Money
Michael Blue |
October 8, 2019 |
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Financial simple principles for financial health and responsibility.
Dr. Mark Rennaker |
April 3, 2019 |
Blog Education & Clergy Development Thrive in 5
The Wesleyan Church was blessed with a second million-dollar grant from the Lilly Endowment.
Dave Higle |
March 15, 2019 |
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Taking action to provide for both our family and ourselves is an act of love, not a lack of faith
Larry Moore |
July 31, 2018 |
Blog Thriving Clergy Education & Clergy Development Thrive in 5
The Importance of Saving Money Saving money is an important part of your personal financial journey. In John Wesley’s message on money, his three main points were earn all you can, save all you can and give all you can. Unfortunately, many people are not saving these...
Bob Haymond |
April 24, 2018 |
Blog Thriving Clergy Education & Clergy Development Thrive in 5
One of the hardest things for some pastors to think about is preparing for retirement. There are so many aspects to think about, it can boggle the mind. Yet, it is one of the most important life events many of us will ever experience from both a personal and...
Dave Higle |
May 27, 2017 |
Thriving Clergy Education & Clergy Development Thrive in 5
Stewardship includes taking healthy care of ourselves so we can be there for others. It also involves thinking ahead to care for those we love in the event of a tragedy. Some believe that purchasing life insurance indicates a lack of faith in God’s provision....
Dr. David Higle |
June 16, 2015 |
Blog Thrive in 5
Few areas in our lives are as sensitive as personal finances. Finances are often a great source of stress for clergy. Yet no matter how much or how little we earn, we are responsible to be good stewards of what the Lord provides