Wesley Seminary

Cruz named director of The Sacred Alliance

Cruz named director of The Sacred Alliance

Cruz plans to engage more deeply with specific issues in her field of interest, specifically mutuality between men and women, racial reconciliation and stewardship of the created world.

Wesley Seminary: Marvelous Things of God

Wesley Seminary: Marvelous Things of God

Wesley Seminary has served The Wesleyan Church for the past nine years and God is doing some marvelous things through the denomination’s only seminary.

​”Together we can do it”

​”Together we can do it”

Fourteen members of the first Wesley Seminary cohort in Bogota, Colombia, have been awarded master of divinity degrees.

A Chaldean ordained in The Wesleyan Church

A Chaldean ordained in The Wesleyan Church

Her language, Aramaic, is the language of Jesus. Suffering persecution, she had to flee Iraq. Juliet Jamil, an ordained Wesleyan minister, has had a unique ministry among Chaldeans in California.