Life is a rollercoaster — full of up and downs. Most of the time, these ups and downs are just a part of the normal ebb and flow of life, minor aggravations along the journey. Sometimes, the downward trajectory of the rollercoaster derails us, and we’re stuck there, living amid difficulties we never saw coming.

As Christians, we are not exempt from suffering and pain. In fact, Jesus told us, “In this world you will have trouble” (John 16:33). What that trouble looks like, when it comes or how long it lasts are unknown.

How do we keep hanging on to hope when everywhere we turn seems hopeless or too hard to face? Is Christ even with us in our circumstances? What keeps us moving forward in the hope and holiness of Christ in these times?

Our response to the unexpected and unwanted things in life and how we navigate these moments is important. The Apostle Peter knew this to be true and penned these words to spur us on — past fear, past giving up, past hurt in the middle of suffering — toward a testimony that proclaims Christ as Lord:

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to  give the reason for the hope that you have. (1 Peter 3:15)

The Hanging on to Hope series is designed to live into Peter’s encouragement … to testify to how believers are living in Christ’s hope when life and the calling of God on our lives takes a detour into suffering and pain. It is our desire that these Hanging on to Hope stories from our Wesleyan family will encourage each of us to keep leaning into the hope and holiness of Christ even in the most difficult places of our journey. 

Rev. Angela Alvarado is the assistant editor of the Communication and Administration Division of The Wesleyan Church, an ordained elder and graduate of Wesley Seminary, Marion, Indiana.


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