Listen to today’s devo!

The word of the Lord had not yet been revealed to him. (1 Sam. 3:7)

Expanded Passage: 1 Samuel 3:4-7

One of the most exciting discoveries in the Christian life is the full realization that the Holy Spirit of God lives inside us, giving us wisdom and guiding our paths. Too many Christians never fully realize or accept the gift. They travel through life always looking to others for moral and spiritual guidance, while God seeks to communicate directly to us.

With these verses, the attention of 1 Samuel turns to Samuel himself. Samuel had been dedicated to the Lord from birth and as a boy was in the service of the chief priest, Eli. But as verse 7 indicates, he did not yet have personal experience with God communicating directly to him: “The word of the Lord had not yet been revealed to him” (1 Sam. 3:7). That’s why, when God spoke his name (vv. 4, 6), he did not understand what was happening or who was calling to him. He assumed it must have been his overseer, Eli. As we’ve noted on previous days, however, Eli had mostly squandered his spiritual connection with God, so that he did not recognize what was happening either.

As Christians, we must anticipate and expect that God will speak to us through the internal voice of the Holy Spirit—our own spiritual intuition. Without it, we are always dependent on others to help us discern light from darkness.

Seek to develop your ability to hear and trust your spiritual intuition.

Kevin R. Scott is an editor for Wesleyan Publishing House and author of ReCreatable and Awakening Faith. He loves spending time with his wife, Debbie, their four children, and two grandchildren.

© 2024 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.