Listen to today’s devo!

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! (Phil. 4:4)

Expanded Passage: Philippians 4:4

Here it is again—the command to rejoice! It is possible that as we repeatedly read this command, we would begin to understand it as a rule that must be followed, no matter our feelings. But this would not be a proper understanding of the apostle’s message. While it is sometimes healthy to “fake it till you make it,” the truth is that no one can consistently act in a manner that is inconsistent with one’s heart. Therefore, faking joy will not bring actual, sustained joy. What the apostle is calling us to is a change in thinking and lifestyle that allows actual joy to take hold in our lives and ultimately spread to the lives of our family and community. He is calling us to a new reality that will naturally give birth to joy. Our past ways of mistrust, anger, lack of control, and lack of self-discipline have left us in a joyless reality. We see evidence of this when people in our culture find great success, fame, and wealth, and yet, they often still lack joy.

Recognizing this problem, Paul shares a prescription for building a life that naturally results in joy: rejoicing in the Lord always!

Cultivate joy in your life by rejoicing in the Lord!

excerpt from The Book of Philippians (WPH)

Mike Hilson is lead pastor of New Life Church in La Plata, Maryland, and author of several books and ministry resources.

© 2025 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.