Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God. (Rev 19:1)
For the past couple of decades, I have been teaching emerging academic writers about proper grammar, sentence structure, and content organization. These three components of writing have standard rules and practices, so the concepts are relatively straightforward and can be taught and learned. Word choice is a different matter. Picking just the right word can sometimes overwhelm new writers.
The words we choose in our writing hinge upon a great deal, including our personal history, our understanding of the subject, and our preferences. There is a rule of style that most of us follow, however, and it is this: whenever possible, use few words, and use simple words. But what if you’ve just had a vision of heaven?
John’s vision of Babylon’s fall included a great “roar” of praise thundering through heaven. It was a resounding “Hallelujah!” Salvation, glory, and power belong to God. These three words reveal a logical argument, one deserving of roaring praise—the triune God has brought salvation; he is glorified; he is all-powerful.
John’s task of recording his vision seemed daunting. I cannot fathom a word in the English language that would encapsulate salvation, glory, and power all at once, yet God is the embodiment of them all, and more. Hallelujah, however, is said to be a heavenly word—an imperative, calling us to praise God when our own words fall short.
Offer God a roaring hallelujah today.
Dalene (Rovenstine) Fisher is a wife, mother, and grandma. She is an associate professor of English, dean, and assistant provost at Oklahoma Wesleyan University.
© 2022 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.