He will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth. (Isa. 42:4)
MARCH MADNESS is alive and well this time of year. Millions have submitted their brackets in contests to see if anyone can pick this year’s NCAA men’s and women’s basketball championship teams. A whole lot of money is wagered in what is commonly called “bracketology.” Some pick winning teams based on talent. If a coach is thought to be a good “tournament coach,” that team may become a favorite. I’ve even heard of others picking their champion based on school colors or a given school’s mascot.
What would you say if I told you that I know who knows the tournament champion? He may or may not reveal the outcome to us, but God knows. Maybe that’s why so many pictures and captions will show people praying during the final seconds of a game. Regardless, only God knows who the winners will be. How? Because He is the Champion over all!
God created it all and knows it all. In fact, He is the giver of life and breath. He does extreme things like giving the power to live a righteous life as well as being tenderhearted enough to hold your hand on a daily basis. It is God who sets captives free and gives sight to the blind.
With all of this and more in the mind of the prophet Isaiah, I’m picking the God of the universe as my Champion during March Madness every year.
Thank God that He is willing and able to lead your life and your world. He is the Ultimate Champion!
Jim Dunn is the executive director of Church Multiplication and Discipleship for The Wesleyan Church. He resides with his family in the Indianapolis area.