Global equity markets have recently experienced volatility. When this happens, people take note. Pondering the economic implications once again, two lessons I have learned, and their correlation with God’s truth, came to mind.
Lesson ONE – There is always opportunity.
In the midst of equity market confusion, remember that for every seller there is a buyer. On the surface it would appear to be a zero-sum gain, in that for every winner there is a loser. The reality is likely much different. It is possible that a transaction decision can create greater value for both parties creating a win-win situation.
Through the years, I have repeatedly been reminded that there is always opportunity in business. And so it is in God’s economy. Stories in Scripture centering on defeat and despair transform into stories of victory and opportunity. Furthermore, if we are observant of life happening around us, God’s faithfulness to others as well as to ourselves is revealed. Because God is active, there is always opportunity (Genesis 50:20, Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 8:28).
Lesson TWO – Invest in what brings value.
It is essential to understand what brings value to those whom you serve. In economic terms, value shifts and changes over time, but to God value is unchanging. God values people. We are his most valued creation! God loved us so much that he sent Christ to die for us so we could live eternally with him. Then, God made his Holy Spirit available to us to assure, preserve, guide and enable us. We have been bought with a price, and God’s divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness.
Following are some practical implications for those within the Church who serve in governance and financial roles:
- People are most important; they have eternal value. In accounting terms, people are an investment, not an expense. Have an investment mindset.
- Invest in your clergy and staff. Be alert to their needs and find cost-effective ways to provide for them.
- Don’t spend everything you receive. Create breathing room in your budgets and manage finances in a manner that avoids shocks to clergy, staff and the congregation.
- Reserves for emergencies (up to three months of operations) are wise and essential but are not the primary goal. Investing in people is.
If we want to invest in what matters most to God, we must mobilize a multiethnic, multigenerational and multieconomic Kingdom Force of disciples making disciples — laity and clergy, women and men, from everywhere to everywhere.
Because in God’s economy everyone — every man, every woman, every girl, every boy — matters.