PreacHer Sunday Is An Open Invitation to Men

I might not be a pastor today if it weren’t for men.

Before you read that statement and make certain assumptions about my theology, let me explain.

Many women in ministry have shared heartbreaking stories of how men (males in their church, males in their family, etc) have discouraged them from pursuing a call to ministry. In fact, some of those stories are my own. I can think of several men who told me I was wrong to want to preach. Men who declared me sinful for attempting to be a pastor in the church.

But those aren’t the only stories that I have. When I state that I might not be a pastor today if it weren’t for men, I’m thinking of all the stories of men who have encouraged me, pushed me, and equipped me. I think of my first senior pastor who put me on the schedule to preach before I ever felt ready. I think of my homiletics professor who took the time to give me valuable feedback on my sermons and told me to keep on preaching (which I needed because I had never heard a female preach and wasn’t sure how to find my own voice). I think of my DS who has given me multiple opportunities to share the Word within the district. I think of my husband who has willingly shared the pulpit with me and has been my biggest supporter. I think of others who have so faithfully developed me as a pastor and leader, including the times I needed to hear a hard truth in order to grow as a pastor.

I love being a pastor. I love preaching. And I am so thankful for the men who have invested in me – not because of my gender but because they saw the call of God on my life.

Gender isn’t the focus of PreacHer Sunday.  It is about elevating and celebrating the gifts that God gives to men and women to serve the church through the preaching of The Word.

Ever since receiving my call to be a pastor, God has placed men in my life who have been instrumental in my ministry journey. And while I don’t attribute my obedience to them alone, I’m also not naïve. I know I have learned so much from those men. Those men spoke truth into my heart and pushed me to fully embrace my role as pastor and preacher. They invited me to opportunities not otherwise open to me.

I know the primary audience for this newsletter is women, but if there are any men reading this article, I want you to know what a gift you can be to women in ministry! Statistically, The Wesleyan Church is primarily led by men. This means men have the position and power to elevate the women in ministry around them. You, men, could be part of a pastor’s story – you could be someone who encourages a female to answer God’s call to preach! Participation in PreacHer Sunday is one opportunity to be part of someone’s story and a way to encourage them to be an instrument of God’s Holy Spirit.

And if you’re reading this article and feel an absence of supportive men in your ministry, please hear this: Don’t give up – keep on preaching! I believe God wants to speak through you. The Wesleyan Church is full of incredible male leaders who value the voice of women in ministry, but your obedience does not depend on them. Stay faithful to that which God has called you. My own ministry has been shaped by many men, but I do not preach because someone gave me permission. I preach because God put His Words in my mouth.

September in The Wesleyan Church is PreacHer Sunday month, but it really isn’t about the month. It is all about the motive. PreacHer Sunday can happen at any time. I am so thankful for those in my life who were faithful and motivated – giving me opportunities to preach and lead, confirming my calling to ministry. I pray that more men identify called and gifted women around them and encourage them to preach!

If you would like to learn more about PreacHer Sunday and The Wesleyan Church’s commitment regarding women in ministry, click here:


Rev. Carla Working has been an ordained Wesleyan pastor for the past 10 years. She currently serves as the Director of Clergy Development for The Wesleyan Church. She also serves as an Assistant Pastor at Hope Rising in Huntington, IN. Carla and her husband, Zack, have four children and have served together in ministry for 18 years of marriage.







PreacHer Sunday celebrates your call to preach the Good News!

The PreacHer Sunday initiative seeks to encourage Wesleyan churches to invite a gifted and called woman to preach in local churches that do not already have a regular rotation of women in the pulpit.

It is also a time to celebrate the many churches that recognize the gifts of women and men, have a regular rotation of women bringing the Word, or have a female lead pastor during regular worship services. Learn more about this here.

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