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June 8, 2025 – 8:30 PM



On June 8, 2025, Christians everywhere will remember the day that Holy Spirit descended upon those gathered, inspiring believers to fulfill Christ’s call and preparing them for the birth of His Church.

On that same day, Wesleyan laity and clergy will come together as one body, praying for a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit. We believe Jesus’ promise in Acts 1:8 remains true, and long to see that promise fulfilled. We are seeking a Pentecost moment in our own churches and gatherings – a moment where God equips, empowers, emboldens us to make disciples of all nations, reaching those who do not know him with the transforming presence of the living God.

To that end and with that cry, Wesleyans across North America and the world are invited, not simply to observe but to actively participate, with your Wesleyan sisters and brothers, praying as one body, calling out in one voice for a fresh pouring out of the Spirit of God upon us.

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