Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight. (Ps. 51:4)
In recent years, I have observed an interesting phenomenon as celebrities and sports figures have had their wrongs exposed publicly. Perhaps this comes with the dawn of social media and an expediency of scandal and negative information of which the whole world seems to have access. What’s more interesting is the way that these individuals have handled their mistakes. Many dig in their heels and deny their sins when exposed, but what’s most refreshing is when an individual who holds a place of fame takes ownership and says, “I blew it; it’s on me.”
When we look at the background of Psalm 51, it’s tied into the real story of how David was confronted by the prophet Nathan. In the end, David had a choice to make. He was confronted by a prophet who told him a story, and that story ended up being about him. He was exposed and had to face his own sin.
What if God brought someone into your life like Nathan and showed you your heart issue? Would you run away from God like Saul, or toward God like David? Could you humble yourself and say, “I blew it; it’s on me”? The way to please God is to be truly sorry, deep in our hearts. God will never refuse this type of sacrifice. He will not reject a broken and repentant heart.
Own your sins and come before the Lord humbly.
Holly Atkinson is a Wesleyan pastor’s wife, mother of two girls, student at Wesley Seminary, and an assistant principal at a private school in Florida.
© 2021 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.