From the Nambue flooded area. The people there said they received food donations from only one place, that is, Emmanuel Wesleyan Church. This caused some people to realize that the Wesleyans preach the true God of compassion. Thus, they responded to God`s message. Some are able to plant gardens again with produce that will ripen quickly to alleviate the famine that all are experiencing: sweet potatoes, maze, and cassava. But it will still take 3-6 months. Some are still not able to plant the wet lands. [Pastor Filipe Macaringue]
In zone 3, two pastors, Zito and Marcelino, and many other people had their homes completely destroyed. The funds helped them purchase wooden posts/beams to help rebuild one house and put reeds on it and cement to rebuild the walls of another. The pastors have been living in tents.
Another church named Joao Wesleyan was helped with a quantity of food and roofing plastic. Those people said they are thankful that their Christian brothers and sister remembered them.
In Zambezia: Pastor Bernacio reports that two areas were helped, Nambuim and Mugawa with cornmeal, salt and cooking oil. Many people lost their homes and their possessions. People were encouraged in their faith to know that their brothers and sisters in Christ are standing with them.
The assistance we have been able to send Mozambique brothers and sisters who have lost their homes and possessions has not been great, but nonetheless it has been viewed as a blessing from God wherever help was provided. Much more can be done! With only $20, tarps can be purchased to help give temporary cover for families who are still in the open. Food is still needed. It will be months before new gardens produce again and there is a serious famine in several areas. Please still help.
The Wesleyan Emergency Relief Fund relief project for Mozambique flooding is still active.