This One Thing I Do… Philippians 3:13
Life is a tragedy when one has plenty to live on, but nothing to live for. To dawdle through life with no great driving purpose is to miss the goal of all living.
The molding principle of life must be upward, not downward. He who lives solely to build his barns greater that they might hold his bumper crops is called a fool by Christ.
“This one thing I do” is a good motto only so far as the thing proposed is good. The test of the ruling motto of a life is the person it forms. If the philosophy held does not make the person pure in heart, gracious and benevolent in manner, kind in word and deed, it should be looked upon as a curse and discarded as of satanic origin.
Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles, is the author of those words, “This one thing I do.” He also said, “For me to live is Christ.” Thus, his “one thing” was bounded by the teachings of Christ. All things contrary to the revealed will of the Son of God had no place in Paul’s high resolve.
The man Paul became great because he was controlled by a great objective. He gave himself to it. He yielded the last ounce of strength, and gave the last drop of blood in order that the cause of Christ would prosper.
If you would be great, identify yourself with the great cause of Christ.
Download Boundless Horizons: Meditations on the Christian Life 1961, (p.44-45)