Yet Saul grew more and more powerful and baffled the Jews living in Damascus by proving that Jesus is the Messiah. (Act 9:22)
I have many biographies on the bookshelves in my house, and I enjoy reading the faith stories in these books. In one biography, E. G. Carre tells the faith story of John Hyde. John made very little impression on his fellow students in seminary until his brother, also a seminarian, died. After the death, John struggled with his faith and how he would serve the Lord. At last, he surrendered, and the Lord changed his life. In history books, he is known as “praying Hyde” because of his prayer life that influenced those he served in India.
Ananias has a short faith story in Acts; the rest of his service in the early church remains unknown. Saul’s faith story in Acts 9 is very dramatic and the transformation of Saul in these twenty-two verses is a miracle only Jesus could perform. Saul goes from breathing murderous threats in verse 1 to proving that Jesus is the Messiah in verse 22. The Saul of Acts 9 became an evangelist to the gentiles.
Our faith stories can be a one-liner, a paragraph, a chapter, or even a book in the story of God’s kingdom. But all are needed. Every story matters, so no matter the form, tell your faith story as a part of God’s greater story.
Write a chapter in the story of God’s kingdom.
Linda Valente, a nurse practitioner, is the wife Wesleyan pastor Frank Valente. They have served together with Wesleyan Native American Ministries, as missionaries to Africa, and now as grandparents of three.
© 2022 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.