The mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace. (Rom. 8:6)
AS THE HORSES sauntered along at an easy pace, I settled back in my saddle for a relaxing trail ride. The mare I rode had a different idea. Despite my directions, she stopped often, pulled toward the bushes, and munched on wild grass. Everything distracted her. Finally my trainer trotted back to me and yanked the mare’s head upright. “No, Maize!” she commanded. The horse snorted. My trainer instructed me to keep the reins tight and be the boss of the horse. After the correction, Maize remained obedient to my commands.
In Romans 8, Paul rejoiced that there is no condemnation for any believer in Jesus Christ. He then focused on the mind of the Christian being controlled by the Holy Spirit. Yielding to His power creates peace in our lives.
From our minds flow our words and actions. As we allow God’s Spirit to harness our thoughts, our responses and reactions to the world around us change. We speak with gentleness. We act in kindness. We see with compassion. Spending time in God’s Word and talking with Him trains us to recognize His quiet voice in our hectic moments. We yield to the One who holds the reins of our lives. The ride is much more pleasant surrendered to His lead. Let the Spirit of God control you today.
Identify and relinquish the area in your life that needs to be overtaken by the Spirit’s control.
Kathleen Dunlap lives in Colorado with her husband and Great Dane mix. For fourteen years, she worked in missions in Germany. She enjoys reading and running.