Listen to today’s devo!

Aaron waved the breasts and the right thigh before the Lord as a wave offering, as Moses commanded. (Lev. 9:21)

Expanded Passage: Leviticus 9:21-22

Some say that there are two types of worshipers: those who raise their hands and those who don’t. Those who do raise their hands might say those who don’t are not truly worshiping. Those who don’t raise their hands might say those who do are really weird. Personally, I admit, I am a hand raiser. While leading worship with my youth group’s worship band, we often became discouraged when we did not see kids raising their hands. My leader would graciously remind us that we do not know how God is working in those people’s hearts.

Hand raising is an outward expression of worship, sometimes seen as an expression of total surrender. Aaron worshiped God by waving the offering before the Lord, as he’d been commanded. We are not commanded to raise our hands during worship. No one should raise their hands only because they feel as if they are supposed to. One’s posture in worship should be personal, inspired by the Holy Spirit moving in the moment. God can still work in you if you don’t raise your hands.

Yet there is also a freedom in worshiping God with your arms raised high, not caring what the people around you are thinking. Who knows? Maybe by taking a new posture in worship—hands up or hands down—God will begin to work in a different way in your life.

Take a new posture during worship.

Ethan Zent is a Kingswood University graduate and Wesleyan worship pastor at Follow Church in South Carolina. He enjoys exploring the great outdoors and thrifting with his wife Kellie.

© 2025 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.